
Lucas Santana is a founding partner of Santana Carvalho and has a bachelor`s degree in Law from the Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC/MG; 2011), a bachelor`s degree in Business Accounting from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG; 2010), an MBA degree in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV; 2014) and is taking a master`s degree in Business Law from Faculdades Milton Campos (ongoing).

Santana is specialized in tax consultancy and has consolidated his practice in different firms along the past 14 years, of which 12 years in Big Fours.

With passages by the world`s two largest tax consultancy firms and one big-law firm with national presence, Santana focuses his practice on the tax and corporate areas, playing a fundamental role in high complexity projects relating to:

– tax plannings

– corporate/estate reorganizations

– M&A

– review of tax procedures and ancillary obligations, among others

– tax credits and benefits

– legal opinions

Santana has high expertise in Tax and Corporate Law, with a prominent knowledge in income taxes and corporate accounting (IFRS).